Microsoft crazy facts

Microsoft crazy facts...nobody knows the answer:
1. You can not create folder with name "CON" anywhere in your computer.
2. Try to type =rand(200,99) in your microsoft word. It will appears "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Please explain!


Juan J Diaz said...


1.Device names such as COMx, CON or LPTx are reserved words, and they can't be used as folder or file names.

2. its a bug related with Notepad saving the text as Unicode read more here
As of vista the bug has been repaired

3.Word for Windows has a powerful built-in macro language. rand() is a function in this langauge. read more here

Salim Brothers said...

wowww.. You must be a programmer. You may be right, but I still can not understand since I do not understand programing laguage.

Anyway, thx for your explanation.